Hydrophil for HVAC
Solving Condensate & Moisture Problems for Heating & Cooling
We manufacture easy-to-apply, ultra-thin hydrophilic coatings that deliver measurable improvements reducing watercondensate, and increasing coil and systems efficiency.

HydroPhil HVAC Benefits include
Reducing water carry over by up to 20%
Removing condensate from coil
Increasing coil and system efficiency
Customer Testimonial
HydroPhil-S is proving to be an important option in design of heat exchangers for our customers in the HVAC market. Managing water carryover while maintaining high face velocity is a constant challenge. HydroPhil-S offers a different way to address that problem.
Matt Holland
Condensate sheets off the coil
Upon curing, HydroPhil develops a unique ultra thin surface that results in water being attracted to the surface of the coil. The result is condensate draining off the bottom of the coil rather than blowing off the face of the coil.
Increase air velocity up to 26% over uncoated fins*
Lotus Leaf Coatings’ HydroPhil is a ultra-thin coating that delivers significant improvement in removing evaporator condensate without water carryover.
*”Uncoated” coil is a coil without HydroPhil. All testing has been done on e-coated coils.
Easy Application
HydroPhil for HVAC is easy to apply on evaporator coils. Application can be done via spray coat, flow coat and dip coat. See the video of HydroPhil being applied to an e-coated coil.